5 min read

Deviation Actions

AllArt-R-US's avatar

How do I unwatch the group?

Although this is slightly upsetting, we’d rather have you as a member and not be watching us rather than you leaving the group altogether. So we will share the information with you because we’re forgiving. :)

On the top right corner, clicking “Friends” will show a drop down box and from there you should click on “manage friends.”
Find the group and uncheck the items you do not want to see in your inbox.
Remember that if you unwatch the group's Journals, you will not get updates on contests and current events!
Don’t forget to save!

Why was my submission denied?

We deny work that is:
-Stolen (of course)
-Doesn't comply with our group's rules (as stated in the Welcome! Box on the Home Page)
-Submissions to incorrect folders (in this case we will always tell you why your work was denied. That's one of the things that makes this group different in a better way. :aww:)
-Duplicated. We do at times get deviations that have been submitted more than once. These will be denied without explanation.

My submission has been neither accepted nor denied. What's going on?

We get hundreds of submissions a day, so it takes time for us to go through everything. Submissions have a 2-week period before they expire, but they rarely sit in our inbox longer than three days. If your work has not been accepted or denied (see explanations above) in a week, please contact us with a link to your deviation.

I submitted my art to the wrong folder! What do I do?

First of all, don't panic. Everyone on this site does this from time to time, and we'll never get angry at you. :aww:
You will get a notification when you have submitted art, and it is waiting for approval. Simply click the Withdraw button on the notification, and you can resubmit your piece. If your art was automatically accepted, go to the deviation page and find our group in the list at the right. Lay your cursor on the name, and a pencil will pop up in the corner, which allows you to remove the deviation.

There’s stolen artwork in your gallery. Who do I contact?

Just send the group a note and send us the link to the original piece of artwork and where the fake is in our folder. Make sure that you double check to see who exactly seems to be the real artist because it may be the other way around if you don’t pay close attention. You should report the deviation and we shall as well in order to fight for justice and get the deviation removed.

Our group is new. Can we still affiliate with you?

Of course! We want to affiliate with every group on DeviatART! Affiliations are automatically accepted, so have a ball!

If you have a question that is not answered here, feel free to ask in the comments below, or note the group.
Don't be shy, you'll be helping us out too :)

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Delphoene's avatar
I have been insulted and would like to leave this group ASAP. How do I do so, please?