Folder Descriptions - Edit: minor folder updates

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Why was my image declined?

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Please also read the Submission Guidelines


:bulletpurple: FEATURED :bulletpurple:

You are not allowed to submit to the featured folder. Works we think that are good enough will be placed there by the founder.

:bulletpurple: Pre-Featured (1) :bulletpurple:

You are not allowed to submit to this folder. Here were all the deviations copied to that are shortlisted for a feature.

Open Folders

:bulletpurple: ARTISIAN CRAFT :bulletpurple:
Folder open for submission
Every artisian craft has to go here. This could be sculpures, miniatures, sewing, paper craft and much much more.

:bulletpurple: SEWING, COSTUMES, COSPLAY :bulletpurple:
Folder open for submission
Any kind of Cosplay, LARP-Photoes other Costumes and Sewing goes here. This could be photos you have made of other cosplays or LARP-characters or other costumes you have bought or sewed. You in your cosplay costume and Photomanipulations with a cosplay photo.

:bulletpurple: DIGITAL ART :bulletpurple:
Folder open for submission
Here you can submit digital art that does not match the features for the folder digital art - well shaded. Please note that if you crop your traditional artwork it is mixed media and should go here, too. Photomanipulation, Fractal art, Animations and 3D-Artwork have an own folder - use it!! Please note: If the artwork looks like a sketch cause it is done with very untidy or unfinished lines and strokes, it should go to Linarts, Sketches, WIPs, too!

:bulletpurple: TRADITIONAL ART :bulletpurple:
Folder open for submission
Every shaded traditional artwork, that is not a sketch, a lineart or a WIP (work in progress). If your work is not shaded or shaded with rough strokes etc. or is only black and white without greyscales, submit to linearts, sketches, wips. Please note: If the artwork looks like a sketch cause it is done with very untidy or unfinished lines and strokes, it should go to Linarts, Sketches, WIPs, too!

:bulletpurple: PHOTOMANIPULATION AND 3D :bulletpurple:
Folder open for submission
Every Art done with 3D-Media or shots from games has to go here, also any kind of photomanipulation.

:bulletpurple: PHOTOGRAPHY :bulletpurple:
Folder open for submission
Photographs should be submitted here. But remember, if you manipulated the photo, it has to go to photomanipulations. If you just have done some brightness and contrast modification or something like that, you still can submit it here. Also it can have a frame and a sign that is done digitally. No problem.
Please don't submit photographed artwork like traditional art here. Submit those artwork where it belongs. Also cosplay and any kind of costumes and make up goes to the folder sewings, costumes, cosplay

:bulletpurple: LINEARTS, SKETCHES, WIPs :bulletpurple:
Folder open for submission
Any WIPs (Work in Progress) that does not go to Tutorials-Steps should go here. Also all artworks on lined paper etc. will go here, so do all linearts and sketches, no matter if digital or traditional. Please note, that finished art steps are no wips anymore and should go to the tutorial folder.
If your work is not shaded or shaded with rough strokes etc. or is only black and white without greyscales, submit to linearts, sketches, wips. Please note: If the artwork looks like a sketch cause it is done with very untidy or unfinished lines and strokes, it should go to Linarts, Sketches, WIPs, too!

:bulletpurple: ANIMATION AND PIXEL ART :bulletpurple:
Folder open for submission
This folder is for Animations (animated images like gifs etc.; also Motion Books!) and Pixel Art. Please note that manga and anime style artwork is not Animation as long as your image does not move!

:bulletpurple: FRACTAL ART :bulletpurple:
Folder open for submission
For all kind of fractal art.

:bulletpurple: COMICS :bulletpurple:
Folder open for submission
Here you should submit all comics and comic-like memes. Please note that we will decline comics on other folders except the folder "sort it for me" of course.

:bulletpurple: LITERATURE :bulletpurple:
Folder open for submission
Prose ONLY to be submitted to this folder.

:bulletpurple: TUTORIALS AND STEPS :bulletpurple:
Folder open for submission
Any kind of tutorial goes here. Also process steps of your artwork should go here. If you have animated process steps you can submit it here or to animation, it`s up to you. You cannot submit to both folders.
Please don`t submit linearts or wips, these are no tutorials.

:bulletpurple: RESSOURCES AND STOCK :bulletpurple:
Folder open for submission
If you have Stock submit it only here! Also you should submit fonts, brushes and actions to this folder.

:bulletpurple: ADOPTS, ADVERTISMENT, CONTESTS :bulletpurple:
Folder open for submission
Here you can advertise. Submit your journals here. Also commission sheets, contest informations etc. Please submit only things that are of interest for the community otherwise we will decline it.
Please note that this folder has a different submission limit. You can only submit two deviations per month.

:bulletpurple: POETRY :bulletpurple:
Folder open for submission
All poetry to be submitted to this folder.

:bulletpurple: Sort it for me :bulletpurple:
Folder open for submission
If you don't know where to submit your artwork, you can submit here.
BUT: All Adopts, Journals and Advertisment will be declined on this folder!! Put it to the correct folder that is named Adopts, Advertisment, Contest

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Old folders will be delited from time to time, with all the content. If you notice an artwork of you was removed from the group that way, you can resubmit it if you want to. We need to do that because if we don't do that, it will be soon too much folders.
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SeptaChromaJ's avatar
Where should works of makeup go? Sewings, Costumes, and Cosplay?